This Agreement sets out the terms of purchase for your online purchase from Chizubel Egwudo

By placing your order with Chizubel Egwudo (the “Brand”), by clicking or by using the Services, you agree to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree with these terms, you should leave the website or the applicable purchase page and discontinue use of the website.


Refund Policy.

Refunds for purchases made through are as follows:

Books, E-books and Audiobook: No refunds are available for purchases of books, e-books and audiobooks.

​Online Programmes: We deliver exceptional value and know you will benefit from our events and programmes. All you need to do is perform the actions and follow the instructions in the programme.​

Online and Live Events: No refunds are available for events you have attended or fail to attend on the day. We will only provide refund in extenuating circumstances such as serious health issues or severe weather or other such external events. For a refund to be issued, you will need to provide proof of serious health issues such as doctors report.

Please contact us through the website if you have any issues or write us at 100 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 1FH, United Kingdom



THE USE OF THE PROGRAMMEOR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT AND ANY CONTENT PROVIDED IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Chizubel Egwudo and its employees, representatives and agents are not responsible for any physical or non-physical damages imagined, perceived, or otherwise sustained as a result of the use of our Programmes or Services or any content provided as part of the Programme or Services. The Services provided through our Programmes are advisory and supportive only, and you bear sole responsibility for the use and implementation of these services in your personal or professional life. You are free to reject any advice, suggestions or requests made during any Programme at any time. There are no guarantees as to the progress or outcomes that may result from the Services and you are responsible for the results you achieve. THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED MAY NOT BE SUITED TO EVERYONE. THE CREATORS OF ANY PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR PROGRAMMES OFFERED HEREIN OR IN CONNECTION HEREWITH DO NOT ASSUME, AND SHALL NOT HAVE, ANY LIABILITY TO USERS FOR INJURY OR LOSS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY CONCERNING ANY TREATMENT OR ANY ACTION FOLLOWING THE INFORMATION OFFERED OR PROVIDED WITHIN OR THROUGH THE PROGRAMME, SERVICES OR WEBSITE.

Earnings Disclaimer. RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Any statement made on the website or in our Programme regarding income or earnings are provided as examples only, and do not guarantee you future earnings or income. Please note that the stated results are not typical and there is no guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. As with any endeavour, results may vary, and depend on a wide variety of factors including, but not limited to, your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation. The use of any products or services offered through the Chizubel Egwudo brand should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that we at Chizubel Egwudo (including sponsors, promoters, advertisers or affiliates), are not responsible for the success or failures you experience in your personal or business life.

Relationship. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed to create a joint venture, partnership, employment or agency relationship of any kind.

Modification. Chizubel Egwudo may modify this Agreement from time to time and without notice. You agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and any future modifications when such modifications are posted to the Company’s website. You should review this Agreement regularly during the use of the Programme or Services to keep apprised of any changes.